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Welcoming Our Shlichim


Dear Friends,

We are thrilled to introduce you to our three amazing Israeli emissaries, also known as shlichim – Niv, Einav, and Shira – who have recently joined our community through the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI). This marks the first time the Kaiserman JCC is hosting year round Israeli shlichim, and their presence is already creating an exciting cultural exchange with our youth, families, and members.

Niv, a young professional, and Einav and Shira, both recent high school graduates, are here to strengthen the connection between the Jewish community in Philadelphia and Israel. Through their work, they’re bringing authentic Israeli culture, education, and tradition into our programming, helping to make our JCC a center for all things Israel.

As shared in a recent Jewish Exponent article, “Our plan is to become a hub for Israeli programs, culture, and education… mainly to expand and strengthen the connection between Israel and the U.S. Jewry,” said Rabbi Moriah SimonHazani, our Chief Programming Officer.

The shlichim have already started engaging in a variety of programs across our partner institutions, including Perelman Jewish Day School, Adath Israel Synagogue, Har Zion Temple, and RootOne. At Perelman, Einav and Shira are enriching classrooms by helping students with their Hebrew studies and sharing Israeli traditions. Einav, for example, recently guided third graders as they composed Hebrew journal entries, while Shira helped kindergarteners and first graders build their Hebrew color vocabulary.

At Adath Israel, Einav and Shira are enhancing Shabbat experiences for the children by leading songs, games, and dances with the younger grades, and taking on a special role with the fourth graders whose curriculum is centered around Israel. They are bringing Israel to life for the students and inspiring a deeper connection to their Jewish roots.

Here at the Kaiserman JCC, our shlichim are playing vital roles in youth and teen programming, Jewish holiday celebrations, and planning for our upcoming commemorative events for October 7th. They are bringing a unique ‘Israel flavor’ to our programs, enriching every interaction and event with their personal experiences and perspectives. In addition to these efforts, they are also working in our Kidstime afterschool program, engaging with children daily and fostering a deeper connection to Jewish culture and community.

Niv, Einav, and Shira are not only here to share their knowledge and culture but also to build meaningful relationships. As Niv shared, “For those teens and parents who are not always super connected to Israel, I am keen to engage with them… to explore more and ask more questions.” Their presence offers our community the chance to engage with Israel on a personal level, something truly invaluable in today’s complex climate.

We look forward to seeing the continued impact of this program throughout the year and beyond. Please join us in welcoming Niv, Einav, and Shira to our community!

Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Moriah SimonHazani and Barrie Mittica