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The JCC Maccabi Impact


Dear Friends,

As we conclude the second week of the JCC Maccabi Games in Houston, it’s a perfect time to appreciate how the journeys that begin with Team Philadelphia at the Kaiserman JCC can lead to extraordinary experiences. These games are not just about competition—they’re about building lifelong connections, embracing Jewish identity, and sometimes, discovering a new path.

Last year, Erez Yacobi, a standout athlete from our very own Team Philadelphia, embarked on such a journey. After an amazing experience at the Maccabi Games in Israel, Erez’s connection to his heritage deepened. His story, recently featured in the Jewish Standard, is a testament to where Maccabi can take you.

From the ice rinks of Bergen Catholic to defending the goal for the Ashdod Dolphins in Israel, Erez’s journey has led him to make aliyah, take an active role in the IDF, and proudly represent both his Jewish and athletic identities. As Erez shared, “Getting to be around so many Jewish kids in Israel was amazing.” The Maccabi Games were a pivotal moment for him—a stepping stone to his new life in Israel.

Erez’s journey is a powerful reminder of the impact the JCC Maccabi Games can have on our young athletes. Stories like his inspire us all, showing how the bonds they form, the pride they feel, and the experiences they gain foster not only athletic excellence but also a deep connection to their Jewish roots, shaping their futures in profound ways.

Stay tuned as we share more stories and experiences from this year’s games in Detroit and Houston. We can’t wait to see where Maccabi will take our athletes next!

Shabbat Shalom,
