Kid's Gym - Indoor Free Play Come warm up in the JCC gym and let your child burn off energy with some fun-filled free play! Our Indoor Kid's Gym provides a safe and engaging environment every Sunday from 8:30-10am. Kid's Gym is perfect for crawlers through age 6 to explore, climb, and enjoy some unstructured […]
Registration closes Sunday, December 22 at 5pm! Make sure to purchase your tickets before then! Join us at the JCC for a longstanding tradition of Movies and Takeout on Christmas! Adults will gather to enjoy a screening of The Producers, while kids and families will have their own fun with a showing of Ice Age, […]
Catch up with your friends or make some new ones. Bring your own lunch and if you want, also bring something to share. No program on 10/3, 10/17, and 11/28 Click here to register for lunch bunch!
Facilitators: Helene Rosenfeldt and Sharon Dunoff No Mahjong on 10/3, 10/17, 11/28 This playtime is for people who KNOW how to play, from beginner to advanced. If interested in learning how to play Mahjong for the first time, please email Rachel at Click here to register for this event!