Instructor: Dr. Ruth Anolik, English Department Villanova University Class Dates: 9/9, 9/16, 9/23, 9/30 (register for one or all) Cost: $50/Full or $15/Class Let’s hold on to summer with a film series set in the famous Jewish summer sanctuary, the Catskill Mountains. The resorts of the Catskills offered an escape from the various oppressive conditions […]
Instructor: Gavi Kestenbaum, Art Instructor Come make a piece of artwork as we explore the technique of foam board printing. This will be a GIVE BACK art workshop! We will be collecting canned food and feminine hygiene products to be donated to a local homeless shelter. Click here to register for this event!
Every Monday, Except on Holidays Come to the JCC and join friends to play Canasta. Knowledge of how to play the game is required - Canasta Club has no facilitators. Click here to register for Canasta!
8 Week Class on Tuesdays (Register at the Link Below) Starting April 15 | 7:00pm (There is no class on April 22) Cost: $129/Full Session. Check back in for drop in rates. SharQuí, The Bellydance Workout® is a liberating fitness program that’s as fun as it is healthy. Unlike other dance-based workout programs, SharQuí isn’t […]