homepage programs


Gems at the J | Broadway with Leila Joffe

Kaiserman JCC 45 Haverford Rd, Wynnewood, PA, United States

3 Tuesdays, January 21 – February 4 | 11AM – 12PM | $36 (Must register for all dates) We will take an in-depth look at Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein. They were one of the most successful teams in musical theater. We will learn about the beginning of their careers and what led them to their […]


Gems at the J | Art in Flight: Birds, Angels & Flying Machines

Kaiserman JCC 45 Haverford Rd, Wynnewood, PA, United States

3 Tuesdays, February 18 – March 4 | 11AM - 12:15PM | $36 (Must register for all dates) From the dawn of art to the here & now, flying figures have captured the imagination of artists and viewers alike. Consider soaring Cupids and angels, birds and planes, even time can fly as Frida Kahlo shows […]

Event Series Gems at the J | Funny Jewish Men

Gems at the J | Funny Jewish Men

Kaiserman JCC 45 Haverford Rd, Wynnewood, PA, United States

3 Wednesdays, February 19 – March 5 | 1PM - 2:15PM | $36 (Must register for all dates) Quick with one-liners! Precise with physical comedy! Able to tell hilarious stories in a single routine! Look! Up on the stage! It’s a funny Jewish man! Actually, there have been a lot of them out there making […]


Gems at the J | The Constitution & Current Events

Kaiserman JCC 45 Haverford Rd, Wynnewood, PA, United States

6 Thursdays, February 20 – March 27 | 11AM - 12:15PM | $72 (Must register for all dates) Learn, discuss, and ask questions about the history and structure of the Constitution, current events that relate to the Constitution, and what the Constitution means in 13 words. Click here to register Instructor Jules Mermelstein is a […]
