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Best of the Philly J 2024 Staff Awards

Best of the Philly J 2024 Staff Awards

This form is for Kaiserman JCC Staff only – Please fill out the form only once!


We will announce winners and give out awards at L’chaim! A toast to another great year at the Kaiserman JCC (our annual meeting) on Thursday, December 12 at 7pm.

Let us know you’re coming and learn more here!
2023 JCC Staff Award Winners:

(Ineligible for votes in 2024)

Natalie O’Brien; Kenneth Graham; Michael Berton;
Zane Thompson-Bradley; Jamie Feinstein

Other staff ineligible for votes:

C-Suite: Alan Scher, Amy Foster, Moriah SimonHazani, Lisa Longo
Emily Magier (Collects Votes)

Eligible Staff Members:

(Scroll for voting form at the bottom of the page)

Alexa Urbach  –  FT Preschool
Alexandra Pillacela Urgilez  –  PT Preschool
Alison Changoluiza  –  FT Preschool
Allison Garber  –  PT Preschool
Allison Wexler  –  FT Preschool
Amanda Wilson  –  FT Preschool
Amit Starfield  –  PT KOP
Andrea Sarbacker  –  Fitness Instructor
Andrea Zamora  –  FT Preschool
Aunyee Baldwin  –  FT Preschool
Barrie Mittica  –  FT JCC
Bonnie Widger  –  FT Preschool
Brenda Portillo  –  FT Preschool
Caroline Brenner  –  Fitness Instructor
Danielle Illfelder  –  Fitness Instructor
Darren Rabinowitz  –  FT JCC
Deepal Patel  –  FT KOP
Dominique Hagans  –  Kids Time
Edwina Cottman  –  PT Front Desk
Emily O’Brien  –  PT Preschool
Emily Piedra Uchuari  –  FT Preschool
Evelin Flores Espana  –  FT Preschool
Evelyn Avecillas  –  FT Preschool
Evin Rezavker  –  FT JCC

Faye Warsavage  –  FT Preschool
Fiona Levin  –  Gymnastics
Gabby Linck  –  FT Preschool
Gelin Garcia Flores  –  FT Preschool
Gemma Carter  –  Gymnastics
Jalen Hutchins  –  Kids Time
Jessenia Tuapante Loja  –  FT Preschool
John Cherry  –  FT JCC
Joselyne Escamilla  –  FT KOP
Kailee Bar-Nadav  –  Fitness Instructor
Karen Rosenfeld  –  FT Preschool
Katie Hausman  –  FT JCC
Kelly Flury  –  FT Preschool
Kelly Gonzalez  –  FT Preschool
Kelyn Flores  –  FT Preschool
Kimber Hamilton  –  FT KOP
Lesly Garcia Flores  –  FT Preschool
Lesly Rivera Romero  –  FT Preschool
Lihi Moskow  –  FT Preschool
Lori Hummel  –  FT JCC
Maria Loja  –  FT Preschool
Marianne Shiber  –  FT Preschool
Marsha Millman  –  FT Preschool
Martina Morgan  –  FT JCC
Matthew Martin  –  FT JCC
Maureen Kimmel  –  Fitness Instructor
Neil Shander  –  PT Front Desk
Nick Shander  –  PT Preschool

Nicole Williams  –  FT KOP
Noemi Escobar Lopez  –  FT Preschool
Olive Ganguli  –  FT KOP
Olivia Naegele Jordan  –  FT Preschool
Oreet Schwartz  –  Fitness Instructor
Rachel Morgan  –  FT Preschool
Rachel Sakofs  –  PT JCC
Randee Silverman  –  Fitness Instructor
Rebecca Cossel  –  FT KOP
Rebecca Silvey  –  PT JCC
Rosa Calle  –  FT Preschool
Rowan Smith  –  PT Front Desk
Ruth Santone  –  FT Preschool
Ryan Egnaczyk  –  Enrichment
Salem Wube  –  FT Preschool
Sam O’Malley  –  FT Preschool
Sevon Wright  –  Fitness Instructor
Sheila Deniken  –  PT Preschool
Steven Barnes  –  FT Preschool
Susan Nelson  –  Kids Time
Sydney Parker  –  PT JCC
Sydnie Wittenberg  –  FT JCC
Tammy Roberts  –  FT Preschool
Traci Sanginiti  –  PT JCC
Trenyce Harris  –  FT KOP
Trina Lyons   –  Fitness Instructor
Wendy Portillo-Vargas  –  FT Preschool
Yusef Shah  –  PT Preschool

Vote for the Best of the Philly J Staff 2024!


Please don’t select the same staff member for multiple awards!
Sakranut (Curiosity): Pursue any opportunity to learn and grow as an organization and as individuals in service to our community
Hod (Amenability): We embrace change and stay nimble as community needs and preferences evolve
Hachnasat Orchim (Hospitality): We are committed to welcoming people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds
Simcha (Joy): Our work and what we offer to others inspires happiness and fulfillment, even amid life’s great challenges
L’dor V’dor (Connection): We help strengthen the bonds between and among generations by bridging our past with a diverse and inclusive future